Wire Fan Guards from GardTec
GardTec wire form fan guards have several advantages over sheetmetal guards, including less noise, greater heat removal and a 23-30% greater airflow. These wire form fan guards are made of nickel chrome plated steel with smooth rounded edges to promote a quieter operation. GardTec wire form fan guards only block approximately 5% of the airflow, as opposed to mesh screens which can block up to half. This allows the fan itself to operate at a slower speed, thereby reducing noise. Wire fan guards are also helpful in keeping foreign objects away from the fan. Allowing heat to build up inside electronic appliances greatly reduces their lifespan. The ability of wire fan guards to promote heat dissipation makes them necessary in keeping electronic equipment cool. These metal fan guards are made to be especially useful in electronics manufacturing, but can also be implemented for personal use. Wire form metal fan guards correspond to the cooling fan of the same size. Fans without a high rate of airflow are particularly benefitted from the use of a fan guard. Many of the wire fan guards can be cross referenced with Qualtek and other manufacturers.