The Red Lion C48TD012 C48 series panel meter is a dual preset timer with dual relay outputs. It features a 2 line, 6 digit, reflective LCD display with 1/16 DIN housing. The reflective display shows positive lit numbers on a negative background. The resistance to noise interference makes it perfect for industrial applications. DC powered. This timer is not intended for directly controlling motors, valves, or actuators that do not have safeguards.
Red Lion C48T Series User Manual
This time includes 42 operating modes & 12 timing ranges, measuring from thousandths of a second up to minutes and hours. Timing can be programmed to constantly accumulate or reset for each power cycle. Timing units (seconds, minutes, hours) are divided on the display by decimal points. It handles On Delay, Off Delay, Single Shot, & Repetitive Auto Cycling timing modes. It features a Run/Stop Input, and three programmable User Inputs. Functions such as programming modes & data values, changing the display, and resetting is done with the buttons on the front. Data entry is done through digit entry or automatic scrolling. Run/Stop and User inputs can be sinking (active low) or sourcing (active high) through a single plug jumper. The relay output boards are all field replaceable.