The Macromatic SFP120C250 is a pump seal failure relay. This 8 Pin plug-in relay has an input voltage of 120V. It is a dual channel relay designed to check for leaks in submersible pump seals and has two 5A SPNO outputs. The sensitivity is adjustable from 1K to 250K Ohms using the low profile adjustment knob. Dual channel simply means the relay can monitor two pumps. The SFP120C250 has LEDs that glow red when the unit senses a leak. If there is no leak, they stay green. It uses an 8 pin 70169-D octal socket. Note: Image is an approximation, actual part may differ
Resistance is measured by a probe inserted in the pump seal cavity. If a leak occurs, contaminating fluid going into the seal cavity causes the resistance between the probe and the common connection to drop. The relay energizes when the resistance drops lower than the preset sensitivity point.
Macromatic SFP Series Relay Installation Instructions