New! Lumberg Automation IO-Link M12 Distribution Blocks

February 11 2020

New from Lumberg Automation is the LioN-P series of M12 distribution blocks with IO-Link technology. IO-Link is a standardized I/O technology which allows for communication with sensors and actuators. These IO-Link M12 distribution systems offer several benefits such as improving process efficiency and preventative maintenance, as well as reducing installation time. There are ten different distribution blocks, with three of them being I/O Hubs, five IO-Link Masters, one I/O Standalone, and one I/O DCU.

The IO-Link Masters have 60mm or 30mm wide housings, perfect for applications that have less space. Two models feature M8 connections in instances where available space is especially tight. Three have L-coded power ports, an industry first, while the other two have Y-coded hybrid power/data ports. All of them feature eight ports with I/O connections. They offer multi-protocol support, including Profinet and Ethernet/IP, and can connect to multiple I/O Hubs.

I/O Hubs have 60mm wide housings. They all have eight ports with sixteen channels: one with 16 digital inputs, one with 16 digital input/outputs, and one with 10 inputs and 6 outputs. They create the connection between the IO-Link Master and the digital sensors / actuators, with the capability to send signals up to 20 meters away from the Master. The I/O DCU and I/O Standalone support multiple protocols, including Profinet, EtherCAT, and Ethernet/IP. Both feature universal channels that can be used as inputs or outputs without configuring.

The LioN-P IO-Link M12 distribution systems can be used with Lumberg Automation M12 connectors and cordsets, including those designed for power or data applications. Hybrid M12 cordsets that are used for both power and data are also available. Examples of applications that would benefit from these systems include robotics, manufacturing, and packaging. See our overview for more info on IO-Link M12 distribution blocks