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Hirschmann GDME GB1 LG 230 Glow Lamp Indicator w/ Protective Circuit & Rectifier

Hirschmann GDME GB1 LG 230 Insert
Hirschmann GDME GB1 LG 230 Glow Lamp Indicator w/ Protective Circuit & Rectifier
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Price: $15.28
Note: Please call or email [email protected] for alternatives
MFG P/N: 831834001
MFG: Hirschmann / Belden
Weight (lbs): 0.01

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Out of Stock
Product Code: 831834-001


The Hirschmann 831834-001 GDME GB1 LG 230 is an electronic insert for the GDME series DIN 43650 Form A connectors. Features 250V glow lamp Indicator w/ Protective Circuit (varistor) & bridge type rectifier. Rated at 250V AC/DC and 2 A (SEV 1011 : 1.5 A) AC / 1 A DC. Temperature range: -40 C to 110 C (-40 F to 230 F). Note: This has been discontinued and is limited to what is left in stock

Hirschmann GDME GB1 LG 230 Function Indicator