The EternaBond WB-4-50 WebSeal leak repair tape has a 50 foot length and a 4 inch width. Total thickness is 30 mil. WebSeal features a woven polyester backing and a very high flexibility. The flexibility allows WebSeal to work around almost any type of object.
- Liquid tight
- Retains high flexibility without losing adhesive grip, even when applied
- Silicone lining on adhesive prevents tape from sticking before application
- Useful for rooftop repair, ductwork, and gutters
- Features MicroSealant Technology - 100% solids formulation consisting of synthetic resins, thermoplastics and noncuring rubber with a built-in primer
- Sticks to EPDM, TPO, most PVC, CSPE/Hypalon, CPE, SBS, APP modifieds, aluminum, galvanized steel, wood, most plastics, fiberglass, brick, concrete and other kinds of roofing material
- Roll Size: 4" x 50'
- Color: Gray
- Adhesion: 19 lbs/in width
- Application Temperature: -20 F to 150 F ambient
- Elongation: > 500%
- Low Temperature Flexbility: 1/2" radius at -30 F
- Flexibility Temperature Range: -70 F to >200 F
- Pliability: No cracks in membrane
- Shelf Life: Up to 5 years
- Total Thickness: 30 mil (1 mm)
- Water Vapor Test (ASTME 96B): 0.005 grms/100" sq./24hrs/100 F
EternaBond WebSeal Downloads
EternaBond 50' WebSeal Leak Repair Tape